Hari Simran (Rome 1960), Italian philosopher and life counsellor. He is among the pioneers of yoga in Italy; was a direct disciple of Master Yogi Bhajan from 1980 until Yogi Bhajan’s passing in 2004.
Since the ‘70s, Hari Simran has gained significant experience in yoga and meditation by practicing across Italy, Northern Europe, Asia, and the United States. These experiences led him to become first a teacher and then an international trainer in these disciplines.

A lifelong traveller, he has seamlessly integrated Eastern and Western cultures into his philosophy and way of life. During his travels, he has met with masters and spiritual figures from various traditions.
In 1987, Yogi Bhajan entrusted him with the mission of bringing Kundalini Yoga to Greece, where he established the Guru Ram Das Ashram of Greece in Thessaloniki.
Having achieved the highest qualifications as a teacher and trainer from KRI, iKYTA, and Yoga Alliance UK, Hari Simran has successfully applied his knowledge and philosophy to various fields, including sports, workplaces, education sector, public health, prisons, and socially disadvantaged groups.
In the mid-’90s, the synthesis of past experiences guided him to the creation of a brand new holistic healing method, Sat Guru Charan®, Foot Reflexology with a Meditative Approach.
This method combines meditation with original massage techniques, knowledge of the human mind and energy structure,, values of compassion and sharing, to facilitate deep relaxation and intense awareness during the healing process.
Today, the Sat Guru Charan® treatment is considered among the best in the world.
The school collaborates with foundations, institutions, top hospital departments, renowned hotels, spas, and resorts.
Hari Simran authored the book Ai piedi della vera coscienza conveying a message of integration, universality, and compassion by sharing his journey to lay the foundations of this unique form of treatment. Based on these principles, he continues to train therapists to serve humanity through the Sat Guru Charan® treatment.
With his characteristic humility, Hari Simran continues to welcome, offer treatments, and teach meditation, all while donning his turban, jacket, and shirt in a relaxed and effortless manner.